A Good Ending to Life begins with

A Positive Death Movement

A good death, or a good ending, to one's life begins with planning and an understanding of the dying process. It is detailed and intricate and deserves attention by the very people who are present. Dying people deserve friends, family and caregivers who respect death and can help move a soul from here to beyond regardless of faith or beliefs.

Finding Comfort at End of Life

It takes a village to support clients through death

  • Do you want to remove barriers in a good death?

  • Do you want to integrate palliative care into your work?

  • Is dialogue about dying well important to you?

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • How to use this platform

    • Zoom and Contact Information

    • Survey

    • Introduction to the first readings

    • Practice Opportunity

    • Module two

    • Module three


Spiritual Care Provider and Educator

Cynthia Breadner

Cynthia Breadner is the founder, developer and creator of growing programs focusing on Spiritual Education. Cynthia has worked with the aging population, caring for their spiritual wellness since 2004 and has focused on spiritual development and growth since 1993. After spending over 20 years in the caregiving community, she has gained vast knowledge through both experience and academics. Cynthia has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Religious Studies, with a minor in Gerontology and has completed a Master of Divinity. She is a spiritual care provider in LTC. She is a mother, grandmother, athlete, triathlete, hiker and cyclist. Find her adventures in many ways #dancynadventures